Thursday, February 17, 2011


                   S    E  
                 I          S
Have always
Been there for me
From through thick and thin
For poorer or worse. I know that
where ever I will go, you will be there.
I know that sometimes it seems to me, that
things get in the way from us seeing eye to eye.
But despite our occasional so called spaz attacks,
I guess, loving you isn't all that hard to do. Even if yo
are rarely by my side, I still do miss you so. You are like the
Missing piece, of my weird unsolved and mysterious puzzle. A
puzzle that no one knows what it will turn out to be. Love, hate and
happiness, these are the things that make our relationship. People can argue
that what we have isn't really perfect. But I guess perfection can never be acquired,
And those imperfections that we have together, is what makes us special from all others
I know it seems like I don't care anymore, but deep down I do. Through our magnificent past,
I have found that the saying is true, "like father like son" because you are the best father in the world. 
Even if we are half way around the world, you still manage to make me happy, day after day, year after year. Thanks Dad

(I'm sorry if the shape is a bit undefined, but it is supposed to be chocolate kisses!)


  1. Nice idea making a visual poem!
    Also creative spin, I didn't expect it to be to your dad, but I agree (from a guy's perspective?) that we could show our dads more love.
    Btw... you spelled "have" wrong... second line. Great job nonetheless (:

  2. ha ha Jeff, thanks for spotting the error.

  3. That is so creative! o:
    And yup ... just chilling on your blog ... 8)
