Sunday, February 27, 2011


     The protagonist in the fictional novel "The Shack" by William P. Young is a father known as Mack. Married to a nurse and father to five, Mack and his family live in the American Northwest. Mack has perseveres through his rough childhood past to become a great husband and father. He is a christian at heart as he regularly attends church, though he does not have the intimacy that his wife has with God.

     Winter has breezed through and spring has come. Mack has decided to take the family to a routine camping trip. Not much happened until the last day where three different families including Mack's meet. Two of Mack's children, Kate and Josh, decided to borrow the canoe of their camping neighbor. While the two older children were canoeing, Missy, the youngest of the five sat at the picnic table beside Mack. She was coloring her book as she waited for the time of departure. As one of the two canoers decided to wave back at Mack, the canoe had tipped over sending both children underwater. The daughter "was up first, sputtering and crying, but there was no sign of Josh"(23). Instinctively, Mack headed for the water without hesitation due to his teenage lifeguard skills. Mack realized that josh's "straps on his life vest had gotten tangled in the canoe webbing"(23) Mack was able to push the canoe back upright before anything bad happened to his two children. When they get back to the picnic table, Missy is found missing.

     Mack learns how to face this conflict with his daughter constantly in the back of his mind. Missy and his family is his true motivation and is what keeps him going.


  1. Wow, I thought at first that this was a humorous novel until I read that Kate and Josh took the canoe while the two older children were canoeing! Plus Missy is missing...this novel is very exciting, have fun reading! :) Very well written Kyle!

  2. Very nice description of your book Kyle it sounds intense! You gave me a good idea of what your novel is about and actually intrigued me to want to read it. Let me know if this book is any good when your finished reading! What happens to Missy I wonder?

  3. This sounds like a very interesting and suspenseful novel. Is Mack searching for Missy? Or has he accepted that she is gone? Also, what do you think happened to Missy? In what ways has the disappearance changed the family? I hope all your questions are answered quickly in the novel and it provides some intriguing twists. Thank you for providing insight on this tragic story.
