Sunday, May 15, 2011

I just found Macbeth!

Infected be the air we ride
And damn'd are those that trust and 'bide

O' well done, I commend your pains
And everyone shall share the gains
And now about the cauldron sings
Enchanting all that you put in

Double double toil and trouble
fire burn and cauldron bubble

Foul is fair and fair is foul
I come Graymalking as thou calls
Master of the tiger to which I must fall
For a charm of powerful being
Hath broken down and need of blessing

Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double double toil and trouble

A drum, A drum, Macbeth doth come
Hail Hail thee Macbeth
Speak. Demand. And 'til death
None of woman shall harm Macbeth
Beware the thane of Fife: that is enough
Who is thane of Fife? Macduff! Macduff!
Thou shall never vanquish'd 'til
Great Birham wood to high Dunsinane hill.

And damn'd are those that trust and 'bide
Infected be the air we ride

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