Saturday, April 2, 2011

Post Colonialism, And What It Means To Me

The definition of post colonialism is a concept that takes place after colonization. Colonization is the act of influencing other countries to your beliefs and ideas. A good example of colonization is when the British went to North America to gather resources and valued information. This led to the building of colonies which started to take features the British society had. The concept that has taken place following the colonies begin to spread. Many start to think that the natural Caucasian look is more appealing than of the first nations, the Hispanic, the Asians, and the Africans. Post colonialism is the indirect effect colonization has had on today's society. This message of a superior Caucasian race has been embedded into our minds that it seems as if the whole world knows that Caucasians are the dominant race.

For my example of post colonialism, I have linked an image of a L'oreal advertisement in which Beyonce was made paler than her usual self. This is because in the post colonialism theory, it is said that Caucasian people in general are more attractive than Asians and Africans. With this in mind, it is made known that many African and Asian race are trying to imitate looks of Caucasian women. From features like wide eyes, pale skin, sharp noses, and high cheek bones, women all over the world are doing whatever they can to look more Caucasian.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice take on the topic Kyle.

    It is interesting how although the British seem to be of "higher class" or "authority" in society, they cannot depend on themselves and must use others to sustain their culture. Surprisingly enough though, these looted civilizations do not repel the white men but in fact embrace and desperately mimic their authoritative lifestyle in hopes of some day becoming dignified individuals like them. However once a specific region was completely depleted of its resources, as many colonies were, the British moved on like locusts, feeding on one village after another, leaving broken families to fend for themselves. Yet these barbarians are still strangely enough idealized and the wills of the oppressed victims to become Caucasian-like remains stubbornly unchanged.

  3. Interesting example Kyle.
    I find it very interesting that L'oreal would do something like this while knowing the consequences. I find it even more interesting how Beyonce allowed this to happen. Maybe Beyonce wanted to gain more fans or attention so she is exploiting L'oreal by letting them alter her face to look more Caucasian.
